Research into prostitution

80,000 women work in ‘on-street’ prostitution in the UK. The average age women become involved being just 12yrs old "

"As many as 85% women in prostitution report physical abuse in the family, with 45% reporting familial sexual abuse"

"87% of women in street-based prostitution use heroin" 

"8.9% of men in London aged 16-44 reported having paid for sex in the past 5 years"

"In the UK as many as 60 women involved in prostitution have been murdered in the last 10 years"

This research clearly shows that prostitution is an active problem in society. Therefore our film will be following the conventions of British Social Realism as it will be focusing on a social issue that is relevant right now.
However we are seeking to create a film that goes beyond the statistics and instead focuses on the whys and hows of prostitution. This is something most Social Realism films also do, for example instead of Bullet Boy focusing on gun crime or gang culture as a whole it decides to focus on one individual associated with these issues as this is seen to be the best way to form a relationship with the audience